Jana is available to do presentations for general audiences or groups of mental health professionals on a variety of topics related to couple relationships, being an author, or doing couples therapy. Each request will be evaluated on an individual basis to determine the needs of the requesting organization.

Workshops for Therapists
Two-day intensive trainings are offered once per quarter for mental health professionals who are either practicing couples therapists or students of couples therapy who want to learn Neurodynamic Couples Therapy. These workshops are held on a Friday and Saturday in a format that provides classroom instruction, demonstrations of the practical application of concepts presented, and opportunities to practice with these new concepts. A maximum of 10 attendees per workshop is allowed to optimize the learning environment.

Both small group and individual consultations are offered to mental health professionals who want to learn and continue to develop their skills as couples therapists. Consultations utilize the Neurodynamic Couples Therapy methodology. Groups are limited to five participants and meet twice a month for one and a half hours per meeting. Contact Jana to inquire about openings in consultation groups or to schedule an individual consultation. Participation in group consultation requires prior attendance at a Neurodynamic Couples Therapy workshop; individual consultations do not.